We offer business development and marketing services to companies based in North America and around the world. Established in 1977, Westworld Associates was founded in order to support aerospace businesses looking to broaden within or get into the US market. Today, Westworld Consulting expands this service by assisting companies looking to get into the European Market. We have over 30 years’ connection with producing leads, developing sales and increasing profits for companies within the aerospace, defense & space markets. We’ve a thorough network of industry connections, to support your company’s tactical goals and to help expand your business in Europe.
You could certainly avoid including Stern here, but I believe that would be rather foolish frankly. Due to the fact you have to align what you say about wanting an MBA with precisely what Stern can offer you, there is absolutely no value to treating this as a generic answer absolutely, make it Stern specific! What is your long-term professional goal? Use at least 1/3 of your essay to clarify both your post-MBA career goals and your long-term professional goals. We take great care to form the Stern community with people who possess both intellectual and interpersonal strengths.
We seek individuals who are highly smart, committed, and collaborative to flourishing as Stern market leaders. What is your individual experience with the Stern community? Tell us what activities you took to find out about us. Describe what most excites you about Stern from both an academic and extracurricular perspective. Be specific about the functions you shall take on and the impact you desire to achieve. You might ask why Stern asks this relevant question. My assumption is that they want to find applicants who want to go to their program really.
Stern is very hard to get into, but over fifty percent of those who elsewhere are admitted go. Stern like Berkeley Haas is a school that are very picky about who they accept, but they don’t have quite definitely relative control about who they actually enter their class. Questions like Essay 2 and Essay 3 allow Stern to see who possibly adores them really.
They know they will be rejected much of the time by those in the offer entrance to, so at least they have to try to find students who seem to really want to go there. Finding candidates that fit is a core consideration for admissions officers always, but so much more when you know that you are ordinarily a Top MBA bound applicant’s secondary or perhaps safety choice. If you were a Stern admissions officer, you probably would ask the same questions they do unless you wanted to read even more applications and have an even lower yield.
What is your individual experience with the Stern community? What activities have you taken to learn more about us? Here you need to indicate how you have become informed about the program clearly. Visiting is obviously best, attending their admissions event is also good, therefore is working to talk to alumni and students. Obviously reading their website is important, but that is not enough.
Make sure you listened to their podcasts. Making a link to alumni is always a good idea. Be specific about the steps you have taken. Feel absolve to use names of admissions officers, alumni, and students that you met. I would make an effort to limit this section to 50-100 words to save lots of room for the more substantial components of the questions.
Describe what most excites you about Stern from both an academic and extracurricular perspective. It is that you should devote most of your energy here. You need to determine the fit between yourself and Stern by highlighting those aspects of the program that you truly love. Don’t just condition them and don’t discuss too many things. Instead focus on 2-4 aspects of the scheduled program that you can relate to your goals, learning style, personality, or life style. My suggestion is to highlight a specific element of this program and explain your connection to it so that admissions really discover about you through your debate of Stern.