Home / Finance / Some Quick APPLYING FOR GRANTS The Dollar


Some quick thoughts on the dollar. Week After the inflation SMACKDOWN from last, especially my feedback that I didn’t visit a dollar crisis and that foreign investors got few near-term options but to accept Federation control er– U.S. Treasuries for the moment, a lot of people are asking me about the dollar.

First a preface that I am not just a currency investor, nor do I play one on the interweb. So its possible that the story I’m about to tell is baked in already, or that the dollar is already oversold and may actually rebound from here. But overall, it looks like the total amount of factors lean toward a weaker dollar.

I’m a guy who appreciates the classics. Like early 80’s sci fi, as you may or might not have heard. Anyway, I see currencies as a matter of relative investment return and relative inflation. In terms of the big 4 currencies (dollar, yen, euro, pound), the BoJ has already been stuck at maximum firepower in terms of monetary policy and the ECB is deluded about economic growth prospects.

  • Jason Voss, CFA says
  • The Morgan’s gold melt value is about $16 right now
  • An investment market not dominated by investors
  • Some physical overall economy sectors are showing a flattening out

The U.S. has been much more aggressive in terms of easy money. The BoE is closer to the U.S. So of the best 4, the U.S. Now as I’ve emphasized, I don’t expect much in the form of real inflation, but in accordance with the other currencies, we should have significantly more inflation. In conditions of emerging currencies, I believe the relative investment opportunities are better abroad than here.

While I expect the U.S. We haven’t even gotten through the deleveraging process yet much less come up with new engines of development! U.S. development is likely to be anemic for several years. I cannot say what precise level of USD/EUR is right with all this view, because like I said, I’m not just a currency trader, and besides, I believe my view is pretty mainstream. I don’t see a crisis, but I also don’t visit a ton of upside for the buck.

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Comments aren’t for promoting your articles or other sites. You make an extremely valid point. I am a volunteer as well and truthfully the media has killed us when in reality they should compliment us. I believe a trainer for our area said it best, One oh shit trumps 100 atta boys. It is sad really. I think people under estimate how much training we must actually do. All the volunteer fireplace companies around here execute a lot of training. The training they go through will either cause you to or break you in learning to be a Volunteer. They teach to keep themselves safe an in helping others.

The more they teach the more they become confident in what they are doing. You then have a information team rip them aside. These Volunteers are precisely what it is. They don’t get paid for what they do they are there to protect our communities an the folks within. I’d like to see these news team go out an do what these Volunteers do.

Then allow Volunteer right a story on them. Me an my children come from Volunteering in Fire,rescue an EMS.. Yes very very pleased in the Volunteers in what they are a symbol of an what they do. Thanks to all Volunteers,men an women remain safe an Thank You all. I’d love to hear from fellow firefighters on their thoughts.