Archive For Dec 2, 2019

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Archive For Dec 2, 2019

Wardrobe mess does next-day & international delivery! Shop at attire mess wherever you are. Collections will be launched every two weeks. Quote my name “Speishi” and get FREE NORMAL POSTAGE! Helped Jian hao & Ridhwan with filming (developing real soon). Glad to meet most of them again! It’s superb heavy. Didn’t expect that.

Acting like they didn’t know I had been taking this picture LOL. Danial has pointed jawline exceedingly. Dinner at Thai Express. I needed this curry party thing. In case you follow me on tweets, you should’ve read my tweet concerning this CRAZY nice curry that tasted HORRIBLE. Way nice for me personally too!

I desire spicy and savory kind. They helped bring me to a short jamming treatment. Nah, I’m not musically inclined so I sat there admiring how every person else can play all the instruments and sing so well. Blur picture of me undertaken by Jian Hao HAHA. Blurry is good. At the least you can’t observe how drained and sweaty I am LOL.

Anyway, I tried using doing the Tsubasa Masuwaka empowered makeup (Pure little) and it failed terribly. It had been super last second therefore I rushed everything out. In the end, I look nothing like Tsubasa. I still managed to sign up for the contest! I submitted another picture. Rachell’s in this competition as well!

  • D – Diameter (larger than a pencil eraser)
  • Extremely high erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • Nail Polish: Nails For Men N06 (TSR)
  • Allergies to food and medications
  • The warm darkish creamy cover from the sun P 875 continues on my face a whole lot warmer than it swatches
  • Bonus question! Can you change your mascara every three weeks

Anyway, in the picture above, I used Super Barbie Bambi BROWN lens and photoshopped it renewable HAHAHA. I believe the zoom lens is a touch too big for me cause my face looks a little proportionate there. I made a video once I come to the home yesterday evening. I’m really not designed for making videos.

They offer 6% cashback through rates, loads of promo codes regularly almost, and a low free shipping least. I buy a good deal of renewable beauty products, good personal care, and supplements through them each month. They’re awesome and have exceptional customer support as well! So that’s my latest roundup of items. I would love to listen to some of your present fav! I’m always increasing my list! DISCLAIMER: All items shown above were purchased by me. Nothing samples no pay out was received by me because of this post. All opinions are my very own and have not been inspired in any real way.