Seeing once we are over half way through the entire year, I thought it might be a great time to take a peek back within my New Year’s Resolutions and find out what (if any!) progress I am making! I duplicate and pasted my wording from my preliminary resolutions post, and have added in the ‘revise’ below in italics. 1. Declutter / purge & organize EVERYTHING. I have lived in my condominium for almost half a year now, and I believe it’s time to do some decluttering / arranging and purging.
When I relocated, I tried to be thoughtful after I unpacked, and make the best decisions on where things would go, or how to set up certain areas. And while I did have those good motives, after living with things for a while, not everything is working like I had planned. For example, I like getting the paper bags I use for recyclables on the main floor, so I can easily grab one, but maybe the coating closet isn’t where.
I feel like I am making a little of progress with this! I have done a few areas in my house, and I can tell there have been improvements in how those touched areas are working for me. For example, I redid my footwear organization and managed to get rid of 9 pairs. Since that time, everything just remains a lot nicer and is easier to keep organized. Weekend – my bathroom I also knocked a large one on my list this past.
Although it’s just been a few days, I could inform just what a difference reorganizing and purging has made already! 2. Be with money better. I wasn’t sure how to label that one, so it’s kind of vague, all encompassing yet. Honestly, I believe I have a fairly decent handle on my money already, but I understand I can improve.
I want to produce a bit simpler budget / tracking system, plan more for future purchases, so that as always, save. I am happy I am looking at in on these resolutions, because that one needs a little of work! I still haven’t found a simpler way to monitor and budget, although maybe that informs me what I was heading worked well best for me just!
I still have half of the year to can get on track with this, though. 3. Find a skincare schedule. As I get older, I realize how important it is to care for your skin. And while I have my very own ‘schedule’, I don’t know if that really is the best. I haven’t pulled the cause on any routines.